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My Services

Whether you are planning to study in a UK university or are already on your programme, I know that these services are tailored to meet the unique needs of international students. Together, we'll navigate the challenges of higher education, strengthen your academic and language skills, and pave the way for your success in the UK academic landscape and beyond.

Whether it's demystifying assignment expectations or clarifying academic expectations, these consultations are tailored to empower you with the knowledge needed to succeed.

These sessions are designed to address the unique linguistic challenges faced by international students, ensuring you feel confident in expressing your ideas and succeeding in your academic endeavours.

Recognizing the diverse learning needs of international students, I am currently developing self-study courses tailored to your specific requirements.

Whether it's refining language, improving clarity, or ensuring adherence to formatting guidelines, my meticulous proofreading guarantees that your work meets the highest standards.


Lingguo, aka Komorebi

I would like to thank you very much Marta for your help. You taught me how to get a better grasp of English as a language. It was thanks to the writing foundations  I got from you that I was able to achieve good resutls in my study. Thank you!

Li Wei, aka Alice

Thanks to Marta, I learnt something different from oriental education system. That means I can learn something new, such as what and how we have to prepare for lectures in advance, we can learn some academic tools and skills and practice them. I think working with Marta definitely *broden* my horizons

Guo Hao, aka Simon

I have learned a lot with the guidance of Marta, becoming more confident to talk with people in English, understanding how to find academic sources and make an academic presentation and essay writing. Besides, I know the importance of time management and critical thinking. Although I have much more to improve, my studies are more enjoyable now and I know I am improving myself.

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